Senin, Oktober 06, 2008

Saling Bantu untuk Meningkatkan Karir

Politik kantor sering berkonotasi negative. Tetapi kisah berikut ternyata tidak demikian.

Heri dan Anton adalah masing masing manager pemasaran dan manager operasional di suatu bank di Malang. Suatu ketika, Heri dipanggil ke kantor pusat Jakarta. Setelah melakukan presentasi mengenai bidang pemasaran, direktur Bank tersebut bertanya tentang kemajuan operasional bak tersebut.

Dengan antusias, Heri menjawab “Wah, bagus sekali perkembangannya, Pak Anton sebagai manager opersional benar benar menguasai bidangnya Pak. Jika suatu hari Bapak memerlukan kepala cabang yang baru, maka saya rekomendasikan Pak Anton sebagai calon terbaik untuk mendudukinya”.

Dua minggu kemudian giliran Anton menghadiri rapat di kantor pusat membahas teknologi IT terbaru guna memperlancar operasional bank. Setelah meeting selesai, kembali Direktur Utama Bak itu bertanya perkembangan pemasaran ATM di cabang Malang.
Anton pun menjawab dengan lancar ”Di Malang, kami berhasil mendapatkan konsumen baru pengguna ATM 4 kali lebih banyak dibanding tahun lalu saat sebelum Pak Heri menjadi manager Pemasaran. Kalau saya jadi Bapak, maka tanpa ragu ragu lagi bila ada posisi Kepala Cabang yang lowong saya pasti menempatkan Pak Heri disana, Pak”

Dan 6 bulan kemudian, kedua orang ini sudah menjadi Kepala Cabang Bank tersebut di Bandung dan Semarang.

Ternyata, sejak jauh jauh hari sebelumnya, kedua manager itu telah bersepakat untuk selalu memberikan info positif kepada atasan mereka jika suatu saat mereka ditanyakain pendapatnya mengenai kinerja masing masing

Minggu, Oktober 05, 2008

8 Alasan Mengapa Orang tidak Membuat Goal

Goal atau tujuan hidup ibarat sasaran tembak untuk maju sukses. Bagaimana seseorang bisa melangkah ke depan jika tidak tahu kemana arah pasti yang dia inginkan. Kita semua paham dengan pentingnya membuat tujuan hidup, tetapi tidak semua dari kita yang secara sadar menuangkannya secara tertulis.

Berikut ini penyebab mengapa kita tidak membuat goal =
1. Sikap pesimistis – Selalu melihat resiko negative yang bakal terjadi dibanding kemungkinan kemungkinan keberhasilan
2. Takut Gagal – Bagaimana jika saya gagal ? Secara tidak sadar, orang merasa jika tidak membuat goal maka mereka tidak akan merasakan kegagalan. Walaupun sebenarnya sudah memulai untuk gagal.
3. Kurang ambisi
4. Takut penolakan – Jika saya tidak berhasil, apa nanti kata orang ?
5. Penundaaan -- “Suatu hari saya akan membuat goal saya”. Ini berhubungan erat dengan point kurang ambisi diatas.
6. Kurang percaya diri –Karena kurangnya dorongan dari dalam diri dan tidak ada inspirasi.
7. Tidak mengacuhkan pentingnya goals—Tidak ada seorangpun yang mengajari mereka dan mereka tidak pernah belajar mengenai pentingnya menetapkan tujuan.
8. Kurang pengetahuan untuk menset up goal

Great Motivational Quotes

From The Books of Shiv Khera, You can win, here are some very nice quotes that will motivate you. For buying the book please visit here, or you can search it in internet by following this methods.

Here they are =

Winners don't do different things.
They do things Differently

Success doesn't mean the absence of failures; it means the attainment of ultimate
objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle.
Edwin C. Bliss

He slept beneath the moon
He basked beneath the sun
He lived a life of going to do
and died with nothing done.
--James Albery

Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today.
--Benjamin Franklin

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the
--St. Francis of Assisi

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.
Earl Nightingale

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
--Abigail Van Buren

If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem wonderful at

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
--Abraham Lincoln

Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
--Charles Schultz

A man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for
ten minutes longer.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Faith without action is delusion. Faith does not wait for miracles but produces them. If
you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right.

Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.
--Vince Lombardi

I'm looking for a lot of men with an infinite capacity for not knowing what cannot be done.
--Henry Ford

Our privileges can be no greater than our obligations. The protection of our rights can
endure no longer than the performance of our responsibilities.
-John F. Kennedy

Associate yourself with people of good quality if you esteem your reputation for it is better
to be alone than to be in bad company.
George Washington

No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

The price of greatness is responsibility.
--Winston Churchill

Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis but rather the feeling of being
--Mother Teresa

Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the
--Thomas Carlyle

Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.
--Eric Hoffer

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the
striving and tolerant of the weak and wrong. Because some time in our lives we would
have been all of these ourselves.
--Lloyd Shearer, 1986

On the journey to life's highway, keep your eyes upon the
goal. Focus on the donut, not upon the hole.

Minggu, September 21, 2008

Belajar Self Development Gratis di Internet

Banyak situs di internet yang bisa menjadi sumber bagi anda untuk terus menerus belajar mengembangkan kemampuan leadership, public speaking, success coaching, management dan area self development lainnya secara GRATIS. Berikut ini adalah tip dan trik untuk menemukan ebook, audiobook, atau video bertema hal tersebut.

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Memupuk rasa Bersyukur

“Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, niscaya Aku akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, tetapi jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka pasti azab-Ku sangat berat. (Al Quran, Ibrahim, 14:7). Bersyukur sebenarnya bukan saja kewajiban insan manusia, tetapi sudah masuk pada tahap kebutuhan manusia. Sebab makin banyak bersyukur, makin besar kemungkinan keinginan kita dikabulkan.

Ada 4 tipe orang tingkatan orang bersyukur
Tipe I adalah orang yang tidak pernah atau jarang bersyukur atas apa yang ia peroleh. Ia menganggap apa yang ia dapatkan adalah hasil jerih payahnya semata. Walaupun ia beribadah tetapi ibadahnya tidak diniatkan untuk bersyukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa.

Tipe II adalah bersyukur apabila ia mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan.
Orang seperti ini akan segera menguncapkan syukur kepada Tuhan jika mendapatkan rezeki yang ia dambakan, Naik gaji, dapat bonus, proyek berhasil, orderan klien meningkat, anak diterima di Perguruan Tinggi terbaik, dll.

Tipe III adalah orang yang bersyukur atas hal hal yang kecil yang ia dapatkan. Selain bersyukur atas apa yang ia telah inginkan diperoleh, ia juga bersyukur atas hal hal disekitarnya. Bersyukur atas bisa bangun tiap pagi dalam kondisi sehat, bersyukur atas diberi nikmat hujan, punya keluarga lengkap, masih bekerja di perusahaan digaji tiap bulan, dan hal hal kecil lain yang orang tipe I dan II diatas terkadang tidak menyadarinya karena diangap sesuatu yang lumrah. Orang tipe ke III ini adalah orang yang selalu merasa beruntung.

Tipe IV adalah bersyukur atas apa yang belum ia dapatkan
Mungkin ini agak aneh. Bagi anda yang sedang mendalami hukum Law of Attraction, anda pasti sudah memahami dan mempraktekkan hal ini. Senantiasa bersyukur adalah jalan untuk membuka diri ada pada kondisi selalu feeling good untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan dan visualisasikan.

Senin, September 15, 2008

Public Speaking = 7 Mitos Keliru mengenai Kontak Mata

Tujuan presentasi di depan umum adalah untuk meyakinkan audiens mengenai hal yang ingin kita sampaikan. Misalnya untuk menjual produk, mendapatkan proyek, meyakinkan manajemen perusahaan, ataupun membererikan ide. Salah satu cara agar audiens mengerti dan mau mendengarkan presentasi kita adalah dengan secara sadar melakukan kontak mata (eye contact) satu persatu dengan beberapa peserta. Walaupun banyak gunanya, tidak semua orang melakukan kontak mata saat mereka melakukan presentasi. Ada rasa kurang percaya diri jika melakukannya.
Berikut ini adalah cukilan dari Buku Brian Tracy, Speak To Win, mengenai beberapa mitos keliru mengenai kontak mata =
Myth #1: Some people don't like to receive eye contact. It frightens
them and they feel put on the spot
Guess what-this statement is likely a lot more about your fear as
a speaker than the fear of the audience member. An audience
member wants to be drawn in. Even if his body language says,
"I don't want to sit in this meeting or listen to the presentation."No
one likes to be bored. Everyone, ultimately, longs to be engaged.
It is my job as a speaker to engage him, and offering eye contact
is one of the most powerful ways of accomplishing just that.
Yes, if my intention is to intimidate or antagonize the audience
member, he'll look away. But we're not talking about staring
someone down, or giving him the evil eye. The intent behind
the eye contact needs to be clear and consistent: I invite you to
join me. I want to connect with you. I want you to understand
why our topic is important. I know what I'm saying will have
a tangible impact on your life.

Belajar lebih banyak mengenai public speaking dan self improvement dengan DVD di sini

Myth #2: If you're nervous at the beginning of a presentation,
don't look at the audience but look slightly above their heads!
Rubbish-you'll just stay nervous this way. The blank wall in
the back of the room is not your friend. It will not relax you or
take the nervousness away. It will keep you talking into a void.
It will, in fact, accelerate the anxiety in your head and tighten
the knot in your stomach, because, moment by moment, you
will be creating a speech that is truly not arriving anywhere. The
only way to start easing nervousness is to turn a monologue into
a conversation. Right away. Find a friendly face in the crowd.
Lock eyes with the individual. Receive her eye contact. The
anxiety will start to fade. Guaranteed.

Myth #3: The best way to make eye contact with an audience is
to consistently scan the room
This is what coaches taught speakers fifteen or twenty years ago.
I call it the "retro"-and mind you, not retro-chic-school of eye
contact management. The practice of scanning sharply delineates
the generation gap in the public speaking cycle of life. Now, please
don't misunderstand me-a little bit of scanning is, indeed, a desirable
thing. By "scanning," I refer to the practice of letting the eyes
roam wide across the audience so every audience member feels
addressed by the speaker. This, however, is the fear: The eyes will be
tempted to race around the room as if the speaker were on speed.
They will want to "run away" with the speech. Quite literally so.
This fear is based on watching speaker after speaker who has
been coached the scanning way. Their eyes soon begin to resemble
a pair of airplanes high above a busy airport, circling and circling,
waiting in vain for traffic control to give them permission to land.
Imagine being the pilot who has to navigate such a flight-a flight
that has taken off and then never, ever lands! Scan a bit if you
must. But let your eyes settle on one person. Stay for a sentence or
a thought. Direct your eye contact to another audience member.
Connect. Move on. Connect with someone else. Move on.
This sounds simple, doesn't it? Well-the alternative
approach I just outlined invariably leads us to another myth.

Myth #4: If I don't scan, I won't be able to give everyone the
impression that I'm including them.
Sure you will. By looking at one person with intent, that individual
will know that you are making direct eye contact with him.
The unexpected side benefit is that the folks sitting in the vicinity
of this individual will feel like you are talking directly to them as
well. Why is this so? You are, after all, not looking directly at them!
Sustained eye contact with one individual strongly and compellingly
channels all of our energy to that part of the room.
Scanning, on the other hand, consistently scatters our energy
throughout.We think we're addressing everyone as we scan. The
impact, usually, is entirely the opposite: No one feels as if they
are truly spoken to.
Folks sitting around the person receiving sustained eye contact
will experience you much more strongly through that act of eye
contact than if your eyes were to pass over them for a moment and
move on. They will feel like they are receiving your personal eye
contact as well, while what they are actually experiencing is the
laser focus of your energy, which is clear, direct, and undiluted.
Sustained personal eye contact is, indeed, the most economical
way of addressing and engaging an entire cluster in your audience.

Myth #5: I can't possibly hold eye contact all the time. I have
to look away when I don't know what to say.
Let me rephrase this myth just a bit. For many of us, it feels like
a natural instinct to look away when we don't know what to say.
This is often the moment when we feel most vulnerable-we're
at a sudden loss for words. We feel flustered and panicked. We
feel that whoever we look at can see right through us.
It is, in a way, our most powerful moment as a speaker. It so
brilliantly illustrates the two tracks we always walk when we
speak:We're connecting with an audience member, and we are at
the same time creating the next word, the next sentence, the next
line of thought. Consistently walking both tracks is a challenge for
any speaker whose presentation is not "canned." The moment we
look away, however-to the floor, the ceiling, wherever our eyes
choose to go-we give away part of our power. I invite you to hold
on to your power. Stay connected to a member of your audience.
Fearlessly, shamelessly, even when the next sentence hasn't materialized

Myth #6: In some cultures, eye contact is considered rude and
offensive. I don't want to offend anyone with my eye contact.
Yes-there are cultures where it is considered impolite to stare
at folks directly. Should you deliver a speech in Korea, for example,
you may wish to temper the frequency and intensity of your
eye contact. But honestly, how often are you in Seoul, delivering
a presentation in front of an exclusively Korean audience?
I don't mean to be glib with this observation.As someone who
grew up in a European culture, has traveled and worked in many
parts of the world, and now resides in the United States, I greatly
appreciate the need to be sensitive to the different cultural signals
and norms that I encounter. But make no mistake about it: in the
overwhelming amount of business scenarios, especially in this
intensely globalized world, the communication standard is uniform.
Offering strong eye contact signals "I care about you, my
audience member."Violating this implicit norm will, in the end, be
interpreted as rude behavior-not the other way around.

Myth #7: It is impossible to give eye contact in a darkened room,
when I cannot see my audience.
True-there are rooms where you, the speaker, are on stage, and
the lights in the auditorium are dim. I know presenters who
actually long for this kind of room arrangement. It allows them
to deliver a speech as planned, without the distraction of having
to respond to the body language of the audience.
But who says the lights in the auditorium or room must stay
completely dark? Who decided that this is the way you will deliver
your presentation? I have never presented in a room where a light
adjustment was impossible. It is part of my responsibility as a
presenter to create the best possible conditions for impacting
my audience. A dark room deprives me of a major opportunity
to connect. It, in fact, sends a strong indirect message to my audience:
Take a nap, because I'm not very interested in seeing you
anyway. So, please adjust the physical circumstances of your presentation.
Remove the darkness barrier. Bring in some candles. Pull
aside the shades. Find the light switch. Turn on the lights!

Minggu, September 14, 2008

Tips Sukses = Berinvestasi untuk Leher Keatas

Anda pasti setuju pendapat bahwa dari seluruh bagian tubuh manusia, bagian tubuh yang paling penting dalam meniti sukses adalah bagian leher keatas. Bukan bagian leher ke bawah. Tapi seberapa banyak dari kita yang secara sengaja dan konsisten terus melakukan upgrade dan berinvestasi untuk bagian atas tubuh ini ?

Anda rela membeli sepatu merk ternama cesare paciotti, rockport, grenson seharga ratusan ribu atau mengenakan pakaian mahal bermerk Mark spencer, Polo Company, Next. Tetapi sangat pelit untuk membeli buku atau mengikuti seminar success coaching yang hanya 200-300 ribu saja.

Menurut James Gwee, seorang success coaching dari Singapore - kebanyakan mengapa orang tidak dapat meraih sukses adalah karena hambatan mental. Seperti tampak pada ilustrasi di samping. Banyak orang yang tindakannya sehari hari adalah A. Dimana A selalu akan menghasilkan A. Suatu ketika ia kemudian menginginkan hasil B dimana B berarti lebih sukses, lebih banyak kenalan, lebih bahagia, lebih cepat promosi. Tetapi ia masih saja terus melakukan kegiatan A. Apa yang kemudian terjadi ? Tentu akan sulit untuk mendapatkan hasil B jika terus ngotot melakukan A.

Yang harus dilakukan adalah merubah tindakan dari A ke B sehingga hasil B pun akan didapat. Umumnya untuk merubah dari A ke tindakan B bukan perkara mudah. Banyak hambatan akan datang, seperti takut salah, nggak enak sindiran orang, malas mencoba, tidak ada waktu, dll dimana itu semua tergolong hambatan mental. Hambatan mental adalah urusan bagian tubuh dari leher ke atas.

Tidak mudah memang untuk keluar dari comfort zone berubah melakukan A ke B. Dari habit A ke habit B. Berubah dari mental A ke mental B. Walaupun sulit ingatlah bahwa proses perubahan mental ini adalah learnable skill.

JADI, untuk itu anda wajib tiap saat untuk selalu mengupgrade pengetahuan dan minat anda. Misalnya anda seorang sales sebaiknya anda rajin mengikuti seminar, baca buku, mendengar audiobook yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana cara melakukan action B untuk menghasilkan outcomes B, bagaimana cara menjual untuk mendapatkan peningkatan order dari para pakar sales. Anda bisa membeli buku buku, video seminar, audio book di internet seperti di sini dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau. Investasi anda sangat kecil artinya jika dibandingkan manfaat, ilmu pengetahuan, dan motivasi yang anda akan dapatkan dari 5 DVD kompilasi yang ditawarkan ini.

Your mind is like a muscle, you can make it strength by practicing it every day, and success will follow.